Friday, September 18, 2009

The type of communicator I am

The type of communicator I am is that I like to have very interesting talks and I like to talk to my friend on my computer and if I cant get onto the computer I like to text my friends when i am at home. I go on facebook like every day so when i play game on facebook I can also talk to them too! In the hall wasy at school I usally hang out by my locker and me and my friends just habg out and talk to each other and wait for the bell then in the class I try not to talk to my friend but only if its really important.

In the cafateria i usally talk to my friend Taylor, Carly, and Cody. Its easy to talk to my friends then some I dont really know that well because i know my friends better and I know what they will like laugh at and what they would like to talk about. In class I communicate with the teacher only if I have a question or if they are tallking to me. My friends and I also communicate not just by talking but also by body movement and body emotions. On my way home from school I communicate with my friend Carly because she drives me home from school and to school evey morning and evening.

I communicate with my friend from class on a regular basis so that we can both do our work together and just the have have. In the cafiteria I usally just sit by like four people because It’s a little hard to talk to like twenty people all at once and just sitting by four people I can communiate with all four of them at the same time at the lunch table durning lunch time, but once in a while I’ll sit in the south cafiteria and I will sit by like ten people just the make the lunch time go faster.

1 comment:

  1. Remember to proofread before posting (capitalization, spellcheck, etc)
