Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Day

I love my dog because I had her sense I was in the 4th grade and she was still a puppy then and now she is all grown up. I love my Xbox 360 elite because without it I would be really bored during the winter and I would be bored in the summer when my friends come over. I love Taco Del Mar because they make the best tacos ever and tacos are my favorite food. And I also like apple and pumpkin pie they are my favorite types of pies and desserts. I love McDonald’s chicken nuggets because I love to dip them in sweet and sour sauce. I love spicy chicken wings because they are my favorite thing to eat during the super bowl.
I also love technology because without it we wouldn’t have computers, entertainment such as Xbox and we wouldn’t have paintball. I love paint ball because you get to run around shooting each other without having serious injuries like welts. I also love space because there are so many infinite possibilities that could be way out in deep space such as aliens. I love Zombie land the movie because it is funny and I like zombies because out of all the scariest things like vampires mummies or werewolves zombies would be the scariest. I face book because I can talk to my friends from my old school at Standish sterling middle school, and there are a lot of fun games on face book.
I love October because was born in October and because love Halloween because I get free candy and I get exercise from walking and running around everywhere.
I love summer vacation because get to relax for 3 months and not to worry about school, and I get the hang out with my friend.
I also love mustangs because are really cool looking and they can go really fast, I want a nice Mustang Shelby GT 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your Valentines day blog! You love some really interesting things.
